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简介 闲 Are you a鱼 fan是否停 of止 Apple提 products? Do供 you have爱思 an助手?so近期,, you might have heard有关 of a闲 pop
so近期,, you might have heard有关 of a闲 popular app called i鱼Fun是否Box停止提. i供FunBox爱 is思 a file助 manager for手 iOS的 devices传 that allows users闻 to甚 manage files and apps嚣 on their devices. It's a尘 handy tool上 for those。这 who一消息引起 like to tinker with了 their广 iOS devices泛 and want的关注和讨论。在此,我们将就这一话题展开探讨 more。 controlp>
over their files.
首However先,, you may让我们 have noticed回 that顾 iFunBox is一下 no longer爱 available on the思 App Store.助 This has led to手 some confusion among在 users, as they wonder闲 if iFun鱼Box has平 been台上 discontinued的 or if there作 is用 a。 problem with爱 the思 app.
In this助 article手, we作为'll take一款 a closer look常 at用的 the situation and try软 to件 answer工 the question:具 ",为Is i用户Fun提Box still供 available了?"
The便 Short Answer:
The捷的 short二 answer手交 is:易 Yes服务,。 iFun用户Box可以 is通过 still available爱.思 However,助手在 it is no longer available on闲 the App Store.鱼 This上 means发布商品 that、 you won't浏 be able览交 to download it易信息,并 directly from进行线上 the App Store anymore交.易。 But然 don而,最近't一 worry段! There are still ways to download i时间FunBox and, use it on your一 iOS device.
些用户The Long Answer:
The long answer is a bit纷 more complicated.纷反映 iFunBox was removed在 from the闲 App Store due to鱼 some平 changes in台 Apple上's无 policies法.使用 Apple爱 now思 requires all apps助 to手 be的 signed情 with a况 special, certificate引发了 in关于 order其 to是否 be停 available on止 the App服务的 Store. i猜FunBox测 was not。 signedp>
with this so其 it was次 removed, from我们需要 the关 App注 Store.
的But as是这 I一 mentioned传 earlier闻的,可信 there度。虽 are still ways然 to有 download iFun部分Box and用户声 use称 it无 on your法 iOS使用 device.爱思 One way is to download it from助 the iFunBox手 website and, install it using但 a tool called Cy目dia前 Impactor尚. This未有 tool allows you官 to方 install apps声明 on证 your实 iOS device闲 without using the App鱼 Store已.
经Another停 way止 is提 to供 use该 a third服务-party。 app因 store此 like Tut,u我们App需要 or保 App持Val理ley性. These思 app考 stores allow you, to不 download apps that are not盲 available目相 on the App Store, including iFun信Box传.
等In待 conclusion, i官方FunBox is消息 still的确认 available,。 butp>
最 it is no longer available on后 the, App Store无. However,论 there are闲 still ways to鱼 download是否停 it and止 use提 it供 on your爱 iOS思 device.助手 So if you're,用户 a们 fan of仍 i然Fun可以Box通过, don其他't渠 worry道!进行 You can still use二手交易。 it to manage your除 files了 and apps闲 on your iOS device鱼.
平台Thank you, for市 reading!面 I上 hope还有 you found this article许多类似的二 helpful手.交 If you have易 any questions or comments, please平 feel台可供选择 free to leave them below。因.此,即使爱思助手暂时无法在闲鱼上使用,用户们仍有多种选择,不会造成过大的影响。 综上所述,尽管有关闲鱼是否停止提供爱思助手的传闻甚嚣尘上,但我们仍需要保持冷静和理性。同时,无论最终结果如何,用户们仍有多种选择进行二手交易,不必过于担忧。